Léna Yumie Trullier
( works ) ( cv ) ( + )

Sound, installation, performance, video, writing, collaboration

echoes of pendulums

Technical production thanks to the TextielLab, Tilburg


Echoes of pendulums is a performative piece that reveals phenomenon of harmony and chaos, visually and sonically. It is composed of a trio of sound systems that, each in a different combination, use the following forces of Nature: gravitational, magnetic, mechanical and electrical.

While attending the performance or its recording, the mind and body can wander and find its attractor, let it be the sensible experience of the sound waves, the technical aspects allowing each force to flow into each other, the artefacts themselves, or else.

Sound extracts

Rythm and note change

Fast, magnet choc


Microphone displacement

Mid-fast, small magnet choc, metronome adjustment, long last note

Weird phasing, fast

Weird subtle phasing

low frequency pick up

Collaboration with the Textile museum of Tilburg

Ropes made with the help of Veva van der Wolf at the Passementerie TextielLab in Tilburg

Final exhibition at the Textile museum of Tilburg


Essay on sound-related phenomenas


Extracts from pieces quoted in the essay

a ¬
Echoes, Pink Floyd, 1971

b ¬
On Some Faraway Beach, Brian Eno, 1973

c ¬
All I wanna do, The Beach Boys, 1970

d ¬
La Femme Fetal, Digable Planets, 1993

e ¬
King Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown, Augustus Pablo, 1976

f ¬
Cover Me (Cave Version), Björk, 1995

g ¬
Railway Study, Pierre Schaeffer, 1948

h ¬
Les Paul shows his guitar omnibus, 1953

i ¬
I'm not in Love, 10cc, 1975

j ¬
Super You, Boredoms, 1998

k ¬
Uncle Meat: Main Title, Frank Zappa, 1986

l ¬
Józef Robakowski

m ¬
77 Boa Drum, Boredoms, 2007

n ¬
Didn't Cha Know (Instrumental), J Dilla & Erykah Badu, 2000

o ¬
Runnin' (Instrumental), J Dilla, 1999