Léna Yumie Trullier
( works ) ( cv ) ( + )

Collaboration, action research, graphics, editorial, writing


A collaborative project with Ward Lauwers, Nathan Raccah and Louise Dousset


‘‘We met George by accident and sought for radical elements hidden in the daily life of a common place.’’

During 6 months, we tried to capture George’s intimate connection with his land, domestic space and animals. We experimented and played with several research methods such as in-depth interview, object-space-elicitation, video editing, mapping as well as cooking breakfast and butchering a duck, witnessing George’s peculiar knowledge and habits.

I worked on the whole research process alongside meeting George and interacting with him. For the realisation of the book, I was in charge of the layout and the graphics with Ward Lauwers.

A normal study of George's position on earth


© Text by Nathan Raccah


Postcards to George's historical house


© A movie experiment by Nathan Raccah and Louise Dousset

—•—•—•—•—•—•∆… Page still under construction …∆—•—•—•—•—•—•

Things to come are:

• An interview of George slaughtering a duck and being question on his life and his
knowledge about animals while doing it

• A website documenting with 360 videos of George's land