Video, archive, writing, photography
of now and then, again and again
A new embodiment of a previous collaborative project through the eyes of one of its members.
In the transitional period from student towards something else, it feels important to look back at previous works and identify, with timely distance, what is still relatable while also letting it suggest something different. This project is a rite of passage as well as a subjective and evocative information design work.
Gathering materials from an abundant and half-forgotten digital archive, the images are put in the physical process of film photography. Working with the reversed image of the past, the negatives are constantly studied and questioned in a methodological reexamination and (chemical) transformation. Today, where should light be put on? In this more than situational project, the physicality of the medium correlates with its symbolic meaning.
The final audiovisual piece combines narration, superimposition and handmade frame-by-frame stabilization to establish new viewpoints on the work. The narrator rediscovers the awe of witnessing a Nature that is too often claimed understood and dominated. As an installation, immerged in the water of a reflective pond, the transformed images are revealed in a continuous collage.
In this peculiar time, reworking earlier pieces in a new situation proves an ongoing attentiveness to things. As much as this rite of passage marks that time has passed, following its process is a support through it, revitalizing individual action, helping to respond to a fragile moment of existence.